Tuesday 2 June 2015

The Fence is Down

Our fence came down yesterday & they cleaned the site today but the lovely toilet is still out the front. Our neighbour said the cleaners had been there today. It's getting real exciting.

I rang our broker today to find out if the bank will issue the cheque in time for Friday handover only to find out that their appointment was cancelled & rescheduled for 5pm today. Not sure if we will be able to get the cheque on time. Lucky for us we have enough in our savings to pay it & wait for the bank to reimburse us. Hopefully my broker will call me first thing in the morning.


  1. Your house looks great Mel+Rob, not long and it will be yours. Will look even better when that toilets gone.

  2. Thanks Tina you wont be too far behind me. I'm looking forward for the toilet to go & not have to peek through the windows.

  3. Hi Mel and Rob,

    It's been some time since you built the house. I stumbled across your blog while i was researching the Crescendo. Im so impressed by the build! Are you still living there? If so, I'd love to see your kitchen dining living furniture arrangements!

    Also I was wondering, Post build, is there anything you would have changed now that you're well and truly settled in?


